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3. Group workshops through Meetup.

4. Upgrade your life with monthly coaching

Coaching phone calls are available only to those who are willing to maintain regular weekly contact.

Use the Contact Us page to send me a paragraph about how you think coaching can help you, and we’ll go from there.

5. Purchase recordings of past workshops

Emotional Bootcamp 1: The roles we play
-Practice awareness of subtle fluctuations in your physiology and attention
-Become aware of invisible role playing and its impact on your behavior
-Realize how the human mind is a social mind
-Immunize yourself against the most common regrets people have on their deathbed
-Learn how roles and power intertwine to carve your reality
-Become motivated to ditch safety and move forward into growth
Duration: 40 minutes
Cost: $20 (pay safely through PayPal with the button below and receive the video via email within 48 hours)

Emotional Bootcamp 2: Your psyche as a house
In this 90-minute lecture, I begin with some visualizations to help build awareness of the movement of your emotions. I then go into a metaphor of your mind as a house with each room symbolizing a different emotion. Finally, by incorporating quotes and lessons from Our Inner Ape, by primatologist Frans de Waal, as well as The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, by Joseph Murphy, I articulate a perspective on emotions and attention that is so big-picture that you will have no idea how you previously thought about experience.
Duration: 90 minutes
Cost: $30 (pay safely through PayPal with the button below and receive the video via email within 48 hours)



Emotional Bootcamp 3: Achievement and the subconscious mind
I amazed myself with the insights that came out of this concise 60-minute presentation (per audience recommendation, that is why I am pricing it so high). I presented a model of the subconscious mind put forth by Joseph Murphy in The Power of Your Subconscious Mind and applied it to examples from Tim Grover’s book on athletic excellence, Relentless: Going from good to great to unstoppable. Finally, I described in detail the evolution of my hockey pre-game rituals that consistently give me the psychological edge over my opponents because they are in alignment with the truth of how the subconscious mind works. If you were unsatisfied with your professor’s sketch of an iceberg to demonstrate how the mind works and wish someone would just say it like it is, this is exactly what you’ve been looking for.
Cost: $40 (pay safely through PayPal with the button below and receive the video via email within 48 hours)